Social justice requires social development and children’s participation
February 20, 2023ARCSEA statement in observance of World Day of Social Justice
Read moreARCSEA statement in observance of World Day of Social Justice
Read moreMembers of the Child Rights Protection Brigade (CRPB) in Jalajala participated in a crash course on psycho-social first aid to help them provide immediate help to victims of abuse.
Read moreARCSEA statement in celebration of International Children's Day 2022
Read moreEnglish Jumlah penderita Covid 19 di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dari dari ke hari. Sumber dari pemerintah melaporkan tertanggal 17 Agustus jumlah penderita Covid sebesar 3,892,479 dengan angka kematian 1.180dan terus bertambah hingga sekarang. Pada awalnya virus ini hanya terdeteksi di perkotaan, belakangan virus ini juga ditemui di desa. Rentang usia penderita pun semakin lebar, awalnya […]
Read moreIndonesian women's grassroots organization SERUNI looks at the impact to children of the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic and the Indonesian Government's response,
Read moreWhile there have been significant steps in protecting our children and their rights and has resulted in positive improvements in various areas such as health and education, there is still a lot more that needs to be done.
Read moreHeld a day before the oath taking of Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr. as President, Martial Law veterans met with childs rights advocates to provide inspiration from the experiences of those who endured and struggled under a Marcos presidency and those who recently fought against their return to power and to unite on the need to continue and intensify collective vigilance and action in promoting human rights, democracy and good governance.
Read moreARCSEA statement on the red-tagging of Adarna Publishing House and the importance of books on the development of children.
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