I, a candidate running for a government post in the Philippines, bind myself to uphold, protect, and promote the rights and welfare of children.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child provided the framework to respond to children’s needs and welfare to which all States must adhere to. If elected,I will commit to ensure that the main enabling law, Republic Act No. 7610 – Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act is fully implemented. This was the Philippine government’s response as a commitment to the UNCRC.
While the family plays a primary and vital role in raising children, it truly takes a village to raise a child and the community also has an important role in molding them to be responsible Filipinos. I commit to support community-based responses to the needs and welfare of children through mechanisms such as the Local Council for the Protection of Children at the municipal-level and the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children as stipulated in Republic Act No. 9344 – Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006.
During their formative years, children should be provided with venues to learn and develop. If elected, I will push to create relevant infrastructures such as day care centers, parks and play facilities for children and establish programs that will encourage their participation in social activities of the community based on their age-determined capacities as mandated by Republic Act No. 6972 Barangay – Level Total Development and Protection of Children Act. In times of emergencies and disasters, their welfare must be at the forefront.
If elected, I will contribute to ensuring that in the provision of emergency relief services, their needs will be catered to during and after the crisis situations and ensure their protection in evacuation centers as stipulated in Republic Act No. 10821 – Children’s Emergency Relief and Protection Act.
Those who have been victims of abuse in the family setting must be properly cared for with medical and psychosocial support.
If elected, I will work towards the provision of temporary shelters, counseling, psychosocial services, recovery, and rehabilitation programs for children victims of abuse and violence as described in Republic Act No. 7610 – Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act and Republic Act No. 9262 – Anti-Violence against Women and their Children Act of 2004.